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Kids Night Out -April 23rd!
Sign up now for Spring Kids Night Out with Tobi & Chris! We’ll be practicing yoga and meditation, making crafts, playing games, and having a glow-in-the-dark dance party! $30/child with additional siblings for $25 each. Pre-registration required! Contact Tobi directly to sign up: ananda.hum.bliss@gmail.com
Find out more »One More Saturday Night…
Next Date tba! Each month will be an impeccably choreographed two hour Yoga practice to a handpicked live Grateful Dead. Visualize "Dark Star" in your savasana or "Eyes" during your vinyasa flow...Hey Now! Take it from a guy who has listened to nothing but the Dead for more than 33 years...Christian's vault of shows is extensive. He can't wait to offer his psychedelic flow to your hearts and minds!
Find out more »Partner Yoga Series, October 9th
This three part partner yoga series offers a fun "twist" on traditional Hatha Yoga postures. Come enjoy a laidback environment where you a friend can explore, learn, and breathe as one. Doing yoga with those we care about provides for more meaningful connections, offers a deeper friendship, and can create a stronger bond between the intellectual aspects of a partnership. Come play, laugh, and let go! $50 per couple, per class SIGN UP HERE!
Find out more »Partner Yoga Series, November 6th
This three part partner yoga series offers a fun "twist" on traditional Hatha Yoga postures. Come enjoy a laidback environment where you a friend can explore, learn, and breathe as one. Doing yoga with those we care about provides for more meaningful connections, offers a deeper friendship, and can create a stronger bond between the intellectual aspects of a partnership. Come play, laugh, and let go! $50 per couple, per class SIGN UP HERE!
Find out more »Intro to Yoga Beginner Series
Yoga is for every "body" ! Have you thought about taking a yoga class, only to decide that you're too inflexible, too tall, too short, too old, too young? Dorothy Kurzydlowski, one of EvenFlow's teacher training graduate, is here to tell you that you are absolutely perfect. She has created the Introduction to Yoga Workshop to effortlessly incorporate yoga into your life. This four class series is for BEGINNERS! You will learn basic yoga poses, breath work, and the power…
Find out more »That Kirtan Band
Join together to sing songs of devotion at Kirtan! Singing Kirtan, or even just listening to Kirtan music is an ancient devotional practice in Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, which when combined with the influence of mantra, can bring deep bliss and joy into your heart. The sacred sounds can be sung by anyone- no experience needed! SIGN UP HERE!
Find out more »Beginner Yoga Series with Christian
EFY excited to introduce a four week Beginners Yoga Series led by our very own Christian Valeriani! This series is open to students who have never taken a yoga class or those who want to fine tune their current yoga practice. We have crafted a weekly syllabus, dissecting each pose which will allow you to safely and confidently practice any yoga flow once the series is completed. You will not only learn the asana, but philosophy, intention and meditation of…
Find out more »Yoga & Mantra Meditation: A Water Element Workshop
Dive in with Alysia and Madi on this journey to honor the water element. The energy of Winter is deep and potent, and in this Yin season our energy flows more deeply inside of us. The depth of the season invites us to connect with the core of our being and untouched emotions. We will explore the characteristics of the water element, then move into a Yin and Pranayama practice to open the energy channels and prepare the body for…
Find out more »Qigong
Qigong, pronounced “chi-gong,” was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves using exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qigong has both mental and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, body’s movement and posture. Qigong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind. People practice…
Find out more »Reiki II Certification
Welcome to Reiki II Certification! Reiki II is the next level, allowing a greater access to Universal energy - through an attunement. Reiki Master will open your chakras and energetic systems to allow you to access higher levels of energy. Also one is initiated to & taught space/time distance Reiki. Reiki II is given to those who have assimilated the energies of Reiki I. Reiki II opens up the aura field and other energetic systems to access Universal gateways of energy, information, love and light. What you learn…
Find out more »EvenFlow Yoga
560 River Rd.
Unit L
Fair Haven, NJ 07704
(p): 908.461.2666
(e): info@evenflowyoga.com